Speech to the Connecticut Venture Capital Association Meeting-1981
Shortly after Vista Ventures was formed, Gerry gave a speech to a Connecticut Venture Capital Association luncheon describing his new venture. There were about 125 people in attendance and they were intrigued with this newly formed group. In this audio clip, Gerry describes his new firm, its investment strategy and its people.
Radio Broadcast of 1958 State Science Fair-TV Camera Project
Russia put up the first satellite, Sputnik, in 1957 and this initiated the "space race". Suddenly, anything to do with science or technology was hot. In 1958, for his high school science project, Gerry built a TV camera. It is hard to believe in today's world, where we carry one around in our pocket, but back then people were astounded that a kid could build something like that. It consisted of two large racks of heavy transformers and vacuum tubes and all it produced was a small, grainy black and white picture. Gerry brought his camera to the state science fair and was interviewed for a Navy radio program. This is a recording of the broadcast of that program over the radio.
Speech to Chicago Lions Club-1968-Regarding Technology Utilization Program
From 1965-1972, Gerry was employed with the Management Cosulting arm of the Illinois Institute of Technology 'Research Institute on the south side of Chicago. He was involved in a program with NASA that looked at the technology developed in the space program and how it could be applied commercially. In this speech to the Lions Club, he discusses the pace of technological change and the benefits of government research.